I get asked some amazing things & today I'm going to answer the top #1 question I get asked during almost every reading so YOU can connect with your people and pets easier!
Hi Friends! Thank you again fo being here, it's amazing to have such a wonderful group of people to share this crazy wonderful world with! While doing this work, I have come to know that when people grieve they second guess themselves, they worry, they sit in their sadness and doubt themselves. I'm here to tell you that I totally get it & I feel this 100% AND I have been there. The other thing I want you to know is that your people and pets don't want to see you hurting, in fact your grief often gets in the way of your people or pets connecting with you.
Why? Lets talk about the #1 asked question!

"Is my person of pet trying to connect with me or send me signs from the other side?"
But Remember what I said about grief getting in the way of connecting with them? What does that grief look like for you? Maybe you're crying a lot, you're not sleeping well, blaming yourself, thinking about what happened over and over again? Sound familiar? Here is what you need to know about how this affects your ability to hear or see what your people or pets are sending you.
Sitting in this grief consumes you, it focuses on what was instead of what is, fogging your soul self and not allowing you to be open to what spirit is showing you. This is because your person or pet is in their whole spirit self now and willing to connect even from the spirit world but needs your soul self or spirit to be clear AND ready in order to receive it. Long story short by focusing so hard on your grief and blame, you block out everything healthy. Proper eating, good sleep patterns, relationship or personal progress AND connection with your people and pets on the other side! The fog of your grief clouds the messages. So in short, yes they are trying to connect with you BUT if you are sitting too strongly with you're grief the connection will be nearly impossible. Of course, I completely understand that grieving is sometimes a slow and painful process with many mountains and valleys. In no way am I telling you to stop processing your loss so you can connect with them because that simply wont work! What I am telling you is that I want you to process it, do your self care, counselling, take time for you and work out who you will be now that you have had such a large change in you life and WHEN YOU ARE READY, really ready, they will be there and ARE currently there supporting you through this most difficult time. Listen, look and trust your senses, journal what you experience and in time you will see patterns and flow. This is your family! They are loving you, hugging you and comforting you from the other side. I too am sending you love and I want you to know that if you need me I am here for you and completely willing to provide any messages you might need to hear at this very moment in whatever stage of the process you are in!
PS: We all need a bit of a break right now, so don't forget to use that THANK YOU I sent for subscribing to apply your discount when you book in your next appointment!
From my pack to yours we are sending you Much love and Light!
"Riley, Duke, Almond, Cashew, Walnut, ChiChi, Archie, Sarah-Rose and Robbie"