Looking at things from a positive perspective can be tough sometimes, downright impossible even. There are so many opinions and view points, what's right and what's wrong? How can we see the good in things when there is so much going on in our world that is bad, hard to deal with, look at or even experience? How do we honour our soul with love and infuse only the best of experiences and thoughts into our lives and consciousness? Right and wrong are all perspective and so the answer does not exist no matter how hard you search. It's not easy to stay centred and balanced, but it is possible.
When I was in my teens I had a spiritual mentor say to me, "Your thoughts are things. Garbage in, Garbage out." I had an idea of what this was but never quite understood what she meant until recently when I started to do more of the work I have been called to do, becoming heart centred, doing the work with spirit, and creating boundaries. You see, our thoughts are things floating around us, we cannot see them because we don't see on that plain of existent with Spirit, Angel and God. They can indeed see them, feel them, and hear them. We throw these thoughts out, good or bad to tumble around all willy nilly in the universe to vibrate all around you. Those thoughts will effect our current and future selves, good or bad. Imagine also how those thoughts of negative vibration from others would feel when they came into your space. Yep, it's a thing and so what does this look like? Well, do you remember Pig Pen from The Peanuts, can you picture him in that cloud of dust? Yep, thats how negative thoughts and emotions present. Cluttering up our brains and the atmosphere around us and dirtying our space. Now, I wonder what you think loving, kind positive thoughts look like? Warm, accepting, colour and vibrations! This is why prayer is so important, it gives us all the good feels.
When taking about thoughts, being heart centred and general self love, I often use the comparison to a fruit bearing tree. Picture a strong, healthy tree with firm roots, a source of nourishment from mother earth, basking in the sunshine on the side of a river. On stormy days or through the winter months it stands firm. A confident strong trunk and ever faithful to its purpose EVEN if there are times of hardship.....this tree will always flourish, bear sweet, delicious plentiful fruit. It has nothing but love for all that surrounds it and in turn GIVES what it receives. This is also you when you are heart centred and in connection with god or the god of your understanding. Now picture on the other hand, a rotten, weak tree with loose roots, precariously perched on the edge of the fast moving river bank, no firm grip on its source of sustenance wilting in the grey overcast sky. Storms hit, winter arrives and with every gusty blow or rain storm it becomes weaker and weaker. Trunk rotting, soil eroding, it is less reliant on mother earth and its source of balance and stability. It struggles to support its large canopy of wilted leaves. The leaves feel more like a heavy burden with every passing day, the blessing of shade from the hot sun eventually gives way and falls to the ground. The sun is now scorching the bare roots. This tree will fall....its only a matter of time. This is also you when you lose connection with the universe and yourself. If we can be like the plentiful fruit tree and stand strong, surround our selves with God, only love and good thoughts then in turn, we will be rewarded with the ability to look at all things with with love. We will also be able to give that love to others with no second thought. No one wants to be the rotten tree.....so I say again "thoughts are things, what you put out is what you give".
I hope this read has sparked even the smallest of hopes in you and that you can take from it what you need. Enjoy the sunshine this month, and let's make is a great month, you strong wonderful one!
Much Love
