Founder, Medium & Animal Communicator
First of all I want to say THANK YOU! Thank you for visiting my site and exploring all the magical things the universe has to give us. I know you came here for a reason and my hope is that I can offering solace and guidance to those seeking connection with the other side.
Sarah-Rose is a Psychic, Evidential Medium, Empath and Animal Communicator, Certified Animal Death DOula and Sound Therapy Healing Practitioner who has spent years developing her gifts. Throughout her life she has achieved many achievements. She has been in practice publicly since 2023.
Sarah-Rose is a Certified Level 2 Animal Death Doula and has expanded her knowledge in Wildlife handling and is certified Level 1 and 2 in Wildlife handling through the OSPCA.
She has also involved herself in sound healing therapies which include but are not limited to Singing bowls and tuning forks. She is a Certified Sound Healing Therapy Practitioner accredited in Canada.
She has held her Level 1 Canadian Equestrian Federation Certified Trainer and has raised
& trained horses and competed in the horse world. Sh has had her own business for 20 years previous to mediumship where she taught students of all ages. She has experience in Rodeo, Western and English pleasure, and show jumping.
She is a graduate of the Lexicon Mediumship Training Course via Truly Medium who has 30+ years as teacher and Medium. Sarah-Rose continues to build her skills through seminars, classes, books, expanding her modalities and continuation in her schooling.
She is deeply connected to both your Pets & People on the other side as well as your Pets in the Physical world. With the ability to hear spirit speaking clearly she receives images and symbols that can help spirit relay information, and they often provide her with physical feelings so that she can better understand who they are and provide her clients with meaningful validated messages. Her soul's purpose is to help people heal from the loss and confusion of grief after a pet or person has crossed over and to share the wonderful gifts she was given. Her mission is to provide relief, clarity, comfort, healing, and most importantly closure to help you move forward in your life. Sarah and her husband Robbie are very active in the dog rescue world and provide freedom rides in their remodeled bus "The Woogwagin" as volunteer drivers for BackStreet Paws Rescue here in Ontario. Their life goal is to provide safe landing for their foster dogs, to support local rescue financially and physically and to educate about proper care, handling and how to support the energetic spirit of the animals around us.
I have a deep love for animals and people. My life is a tapestry of empathy, connection, mountains, valleys and unwavering love. Approximately 15 years before I came to terms with my abilities and started to develop them , I met my wonderful Mentor and now teacher Truly. Although I didn't know it, spirit had a plan for me. I routinely watched her live shows, would get readings, followed her on socials, and took several seminars. The universe had a plan for us to stay in touch and for me to eventually become the student and once I let the universe guide me, I felt like I really was starting to belong. With this gift I want to help people find love, closure, healing, and to know that communication with their loved ones and animals who had crossed over is possible.
I grew up in a small town of less than 8000 along the shore of Lake Erie. My family always supported my love for animals and provided I kept up "my end of the bargain" and took care of them, they never said "No" to bringing home another stray or injured animal. My mother who was and still is in sprit, my biggest support and fan must have know that I was born with the extraordinary ability to connect with the spiritual world because from a young age, I exhibited signs of heightened intuition and sensitivity. I was aware of my "Clairs" and a deep connection to the unseen but was at a loss as to how to deal with them. It wasn't until I became an adult that I started to understood my abilities and what my sensitivities really meant and that is when my journey into mediumship began. You see, my Mom Rosemarie had been sick for a while and while the last 2 years of her life were troubled with illness she always told me that I should always be myself and said I could do anything. A few months after she had crossed over, I went to a group to my aunt and sister, that Medium, to whom I forget the name told me that I "should do this work" that it my mother says to stop putting it off. For 6 months after that I connected with my mother in the spirit daily so that she could remind me that I should be pursing spiritual work. She said that once I embraced my unique gift and met others like me with whom I could find support and I would find my true self. Once I made that step, she no longer had to guide me. She moved on to her soul purpose and I was left with a wonderful support system. And so it was.
This is likely why my life has been adorned with a myriad of furry and feathered friends, each one holding a special place in my heart. My unwavering love for animals led me to quietly evolve my abilities, and to work within several animal related fields. Before the thought of working with spirit even came to be, I aspired to work with horses, even as a young girl I owned several horses and ran Rodeo locally. I always wanted to be a trainer and coach and once I became and adult that is something I put to practice for 15 years. I worked at several farms, doing the "grunt " farm work, mucking stalls, working my way up the so called social ladder then eventually evolving into training horses and coaching people of all skill levels. I dabbled in body clipping and braiding for high end hunter/jumper and event horses and eventually moved my way into a different life phase, city and a change of job. I was introduced to animal rescue, specifically investigations and shelter procedure and took up the task of becoming a cruelty investigator for the OSPCA. I endevured to make this world a better place for everyone and educate those that needed it. I enjoyed working with like minded people for several years until the work I was doing no longer seemed to line up with my morals and ethics. There were changes being made in Ontario law that I could no longer support. I saw how funds were allocated and where priorities were placed and it no longer made sense for me to work in that field. I reluctantly stepped away knowing someone of equal value and ethics would take my place to continue the work that was needed. I found a 9-5 and settled into routine when I found the love of my life and now husband. We shared the same passion and love for animals. It was a match made in heaven.
Both my husband Robbie and I, advocate for the well-being of all animals, working tirelessly to rescue, provide freedom transportation, rehabilitate, and care for countless creatures in need. I truly found a steadfast partner in Robbie. A true love story of unwavering support, as he has encouraged and stood by me as I evolve, learn and delved deeper into my work. We currently reside in Woodstock Ontario and work closely with local rescues like Backstreet Paws and JRTRO as fosters and freedom drivers. My hope is that my abilities have and will bring closure, comfort, and healing to people grieving a loss and that with the profound insights of the universe and precise connections to the spirit world we can all find HOPE and LOVE!
As my life story unfolds, I hope to leave an indomitable legacy of love and light in my wake. I hope you'll join me on my journey through the realms of the living, spiritual, and the natural world so that we can connect, heal, and spread love.
-Much Love, Sarah-Rose